Showing items from esxi-2

Create a VMware ESXi 5 PXE unattended scripted installation using Windows

The most information available on how-to perform a unattended scripted installation of VMware ESXi 5 is based on Linux. Here is a procedure how-to create a scripted installation of VMware ESXi 5 using Microsoft Windows. Here is an overview of the boot process: What do we need The following software …

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Upgrading to VMware ESXi 5

The following three supported upgrade methods to VMware ESXi 5 are available: Upgrade Method ESX or ESXI to ESXi5 Upgrade or Patch from ESXi 5 to ESXi 5.x vSphere Update Manager yes yes Interactive upgrade from CD, DVD, or USB drive yes yes Scripted upgrade yes yes vSphere Auto Deploy no yes esxcli …

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