VMware PowerShell Healthcheck script

Healthcheck is a PowerShell script that reports information like snapshots, VMware tools version, datastore space, CDROM and/or floppy drives connected etc. to HTML and e-mail the output to a person or distribution list.

Reason for creating this script:

As VMware Consultant I see a lot of common problems in VMware environments like:

  • Snapshots are enabled and forgot
  • Datastores are almost full (for example if snapshots are enabled)
  • VMware tools versions are different
  • CDROM and floppy drives are still mounted to the VM
  • Virtual Machines have CPU and Memory limits or reservations (VMs are swapping)
  • In the VM, the VMware Tools timesync option is not enabled

In the Virtual Infrastructure Client (VIC) it is difficult to see this sort of information. By creating a PowerShell script,  I can do a quick inventory.  In a lot of VMware environments I created a scheduled tasks, so the script runs once a week and sent to HTML rapport to the administrator.

What does the script:

I wrote a PowerShell script with HELP from the VMTN community that makes a HTML file and sent the output by e-mail to a person or distribution list. The Healthcheck script does the following checks:

  • VMware ESX hardware
  • VMware ESX versions
  • VMware VirtualCenter versions
  • Active snapshots
  • CDROM and Floppy drive(s) mounted to the VM
  • Datastore information like capacity, free space and the percentage free space
  • VirtualMachine (VM) information like VMware tools version, CPU, Memory reservations and limits etc.
  • On what VMs VMware Tools timesync is not enabled


The following software must be installed:

  • Microsoft PowerShell 5.1
  • VMware Infrastucture (VI) toolkit for Windows 1.0 http://www.VMware.com/download/sdk/
  • Set the ExecutionPolicy in Windows PowerShell to RemoteSigned by using the following command: set-ExecutionPolicy RemoteSigned


  • Unzip the Healthcheck.zip script to a directory on the VC server for example.
  • When the ZIP if unpacked there are two files:
  • Healthcheck.ps1, this is the PowerShell script
  • Style.CSS, controls the HTML layout


  • Edit the PowerShell.ps1 file, edit the following variables:
Enter the VC server, if you execute the script on the VC server you can use the localhost name
$filelocation="D:\\temp\\Healthcheck.htm" Specify the location where to store the HTML output
$enablemail="yes" Enable (yes) or disable (no) to sent the script by e-mail
$smtpServer = "mail.ivobeerens.nl" Specify the SMTP server in your network
$mailfrom = "VMware Healtcheck <[PowerShell@ivobeerens.nl](mailto:PowerShell@ivobeerens.nl)\>" Specify the from field
$mailto = [ivo@ivobeerens.nl](mailto:ivo@ivobeerens.nl)
Specify the address where the e-mail to sent  to


Manually run the Healthcheck.ps1 script":

  1. Open PowerShell

  2. Browse to the directory where the Healthcheck.ps1 script resides

  3. enter the command:


To create a schedule task in for example Windows 2003 use the following syntax in the run property: PowerShell -command “& ‘path\Healthcheck.ps1’ edit the path

PowerShell -command "& 'path\Healthcheck.ps1'

edit the path .


  • List Orphaned VMDK’s
  • Add performance information like VM usage
  • Check timesync on the VMware hosts

Happy testing :-)

Download Link: Healthcheck script

The script is posted on the VMware PowerShell contest forum, link

Some screenshots of the HTML output: