Passed the VCP4 exam

Yesterday i did the VCP4 exam and passed with a score of 475. The exam has 85 questions and for a non English speaker you get 90 minutes to complete the exam. The passing score is 300 out of 500. The exam has 90 multiple choice/selects questions. The exam is harder than the VCP3 exam, but with proper preparation and experience it’s not that hard.

To prepare the exam i used the list in my previous blog “Resources to prepare for VMware Certified Professional (VCP4) on vSphere 4 ” and I attended the “What’s new” partner training.

Now i can call myself  VCP2, VCP3 and VCP4 certified. The next step is the “VMware Certified Design Expert (VCDX)” certification. The VCDX is only on VI3 on the moment. I will wait till the VCDX includes vSphere support. Maybe the Master VCP is released in the meantime. We will see.