VMware VIEW 4 useful information

After attending the VMware View 4 Talkshoe podcast the following information about the announced VMware View 4 was discussed:

VM’s per core:

VM’s per core, In VMware View 3 the number was 6-9 VM’s per core, now in View 4 with for example the Intel Nehalem processors you can get to 12-16 VM’s per core. This number heavily depends for example on the application load inside the VM’s.

The PCoIP protocol does NOT support:

  • Security Server;
  • Smart Cards integration;
  • Thinprint support.


  • The PCoIP protocol is not different in scalability than RDP;
  • For the RDP protocol version 6 is used in VMware VIEW;
  • Offline desktop support is still experimental;
  • There’s no RTO Software Virtual Profiles in this release of VMware VIEW 4;
  • Windows  7 is still experimental, official support will be around the begin of 2010; 
  • The Connection server must be installed on Windows 2003, support for Windows 2008 will be around the begin of 2010;
  • Advise for virus scanning software is use VMware aware virus scanners (VMsafe), for example Trend Micro and McAfee have beta’s that use the VMsafe technology.

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