Free ticket for VMworld 2010 Copenhagen

The Dutch ICT website Computable _ recently raffled a VMworld 2010 Copenhagen ticket among his followers on Twitter. Last week i was the lucky winner of the free ticket for VMworld Europe 2010. How cool is that!

Yesterday i had a interview about my expectations on VMworld 2010 in Copenhagen. The interview (Dutch) can be found by clicking on this link .

During the VMworld 2010 Copenhagen there will be a daily report  on the Computable website with highlights, experiences and discoveries from my side on. This will be a cooperation with the editor Jolein van Rooij from Computable.

VMUG party

Traditional there will be a Dutch VMUG party on Monday.  This year there will be  a central VMUG party. You can not register for this meeting.To ensure that you are familiar with VMware VMUG member register on the Dutch VMUG website. VMUG Netherlands works with an independent database which is not linked to the database VMUG VMware. More information about this VMUG party can be found here.