The end of the vRAM entitlement in VMware vSphere 5 and 5.1!

About a year ago VMware introduced the vRAM entitlement (see post VMware vSphere 5 Licensing explained ). Today at VMworld 2012, VMware announced the end of the vRAM entitlement in VMware vSphere 5 and 5.1!

In vSphere 5 and 5.1 the licensing will be per physical processor. Each physical processor needs to have at least one vSphere 5 license key assigned. The vSphere licensing removes restrictions on:

  • physical cores
  • RAM
  • number of VMs

Removing the vRAM entitlement makes it possible to scale up VMware vSphere hosts without buying extra vSphere licenses! With the end of the vRAM entitlement, VMware can easily competes against Hyper-V 3.0!

More on VMware vSphere 5 Licensing, Pricing and Packaging found here .