Health Check your System Center Virtual Machine Server (SCVMM) 2012 environent with PowerShell

Last week I created a simple example of a HealtCheck PowerShell script that connects to Microsoft System Center Virtual Machine Manager and displays information about the Hyper-V hosts and VMs managed by this server.

I run the PowerShell script  from another Windows Server 2012 host. To make this work make sure the Hyper-V manager and the VMM Console is installed on the server. The VMM console can be installed from the Microsoft System Center 2012 Virtual Machine Manager ISO.

The output is displayed on the screen and exported to a HTML file. The following information is generated:

Host information:

Cluster it belongs, host name, CPU count, core count, CPU speed, CPU model, memory, operating System, and VM hostgroup

VM information:

VM name, computer name, host the VM is on, CPU count, CPU type, memory, if dynamic Memory is enabled, Operating System, If integration tools are installed, integration tool version, VM status, Replication Status and VM location

VM snapshot information:

VM Name, Name of the snapshot, description, time added and modified time

Here is an example how the output looks like:


The only parameter that needs to be changed is the $File variable that specify the location were the HTML file is stored.

PowerShell script:

  System Center Virtual Machine Manager Healthcheck 
  Generates a HTML Healthcheck report 
  Author(s): Ivo Beerens 
  PS> ./scvmmhc.ps1

# Import modules
Import-Module -Name "Hyper-v"
Import-Module -Name "VirtualMachineManager"

$Date = Get-Date
$Datefile = ( get-date ).ToString('yyyy-MM-dd-hhmmss')
$File = New-Item -type file "D:\Temp\Healtcheck_$datefile.html"

#Connect to the SCVMM server
$VMMName = Read-Host "Enter System Center Virtual Machine Server Name to check"
Write-Host "VMM name is $VMMName" -ForeGround Red 
Get-VMMServer -ComputerName $VMMName

# Add Text to the HTML file 

Function Create-HTMLTable
    $arrHTML = $Array | ConvertTo-Html
    $arrHTML[-1] = $arrHTML[-1].ToString().Replace('</body></html>',"")
    Return $arrHTML[5..2000]

$output = @()
$output += '<html><head></head><body>'
$output += 
$output += '<h1>Hyper-V health check</h1>'
$output += '<h1>Versie 1.0</h1>'
$output += '<h2>Date and time</h2>',$date

# Hosts
$HVHosts = Get-VMHost | Select HostCluster,Name,PhysicalCPUCount,CoresPerCPU,ProcessorManufacturer,CPUSpeed,CPUModel,@{N="Memory(GB)";E={[math]::Round((($_.TotalMemory)/1GB),3)}},OperatingSystem,EnableLiveMigration,VMHostGroup
$output += '<p>'
$output += '<h1>Hosts</h1>'
$output += '<p>'
$output += Create-HTMLTable $HVHosts
$output += '</p>' 

# VM
$VMs = Get-VM | Select Name,ComputerName,HostName,CPUCount,CpuType,MemoryAssignedMB,DynamicMemoryEnabled,OperatingSystem,HasVMAdditions,VMAddition,VirtualMachineState,Status,ReplicationStatus,Location
$output += '<p>'
$output += '<h1>VMs</h1>'
$output += '<p>'
$output += Create-HTMLTable $VMs
$output += '</p>'

# Snapshots
$VMSnaps = Get-VM | Get-VMCheckpoint | Select VM,Name,Description,AddedTime,ModifiedTime 
$output += '<p>'
$output += '<h1>Snapshots</h1>'
$output += '<p>'
$output += Create-HTMLTable $VMSnaps
$output += '</p>'

# End
$output += '</body></html>'    
$output | Out-File $file -Force

# Open the HTML file
ii $file

The script can be easily extended with other checks, for example an e-mail option. If you have other additions let me know so the script can be extended.