Resources to prepare for the AZ-140 Azure Virtual Desktop (AVD) exam

I’m preparing for the AZ-140 Azure Virtual Desktop (AVD) exam.

Update: June 10, 2021, the exam is out of beta and Generally Available (Link ).

The following resources I’m using for studying for the exam:

Create a free Azure account to get some hands-on lab experience

The Azure Academy did a great job and created  a series of AZ-140 study guides on YouTube:

Travis Roberts has created a training course and a set of exam questions for the AZ-140 exam on Udemy:

Pluralsight is free this month (April 2021). So take your change

Exam tips:

I hope that these resources will help you pass the AZ-104 exam. Let me know in a comment below about your experience with the AZ-104 exam.